All throughout my pregnancy with Zoey I have had to have a bunch of ultrasounds because the doctors thought I had a 2 vessel umbilical cord and marginal cord insertion of the cord to the placenta. Everyone was worried about Zoey's weight, thinking she would be small and there was also other problems that could go along with it. I also wasn't able to continue on pregnancy past 40 weeks for safety reasons.
As 39 weeks approached I was miserable, tired, felt super huge and it couldn't have been better timing to have a baby because my mom was able to take time off and Matt didn't have school for 2 weeks. So I asked the doctor if we could just get the show on the road sense we had tried membrane sweeping like 3 times and i was stuck dilated at 2-3 cms for weeks. On Tuesday December 29th I went in to the hospital to be induced. they tried cirvadal for 12 hours with no progress then I took some pill and I had pitocin and then things started to progress Friday but it was slow. I had to be monitored the whole time and at one point Zoey's heart beat dropped really low and the nurse couldn't get it up and she pushed a help button and my doctor and like 6 nurses rushed in to help me roll over and get a better monitoring Matt and I were so scared my heart was beating out of my chest and I had tears in my eyes. ( just typing this makes me teary eyed I was so worried about her) Anyways they found her heartbeat strong again and they thought it was just the monitor acting up.
My mom and Matt took turns coming to the hospital with Preslee but she couldn't stay to long because she wanted to run around and she was still taking naps pretty often. Finally Saturday morning the 31st things started to progress. We had decided that it would be just Matt and I in the delivery room this time and my mom would stay with Preslee in the waiting room.
My doctor came in and let me know her shift ends soon and that the new doctor coming in was the one i did NOT want so she told me I had to push this baby out by 7am if i wanted her to deliver which I very much did. Around a quarter to 7 they set up a mirror and a push bar so i could do things the same way I did with Preslee and I started pushing with my half warn off epidural which hurt like heck!!! I think I pushed during 2 contractions and the nurse called in the doctor because she knew I meant business and we could already start to see Zoey. I pushed for maybe 5 more contractions and her head came out and then pushed once more and the doctor had to help get her shoulders out which we learned 18 hours later that she had broke her collar bone on the way out. 7:09am and we had a brand new baby girl in our arms weighing 8lbs 11oz. Definitely not small like everyone was telling us to prepare for. We weren't sure what her name would be when we were at the hospital but as I lay there holding her Matt and I looked at each other and knew her name should be Zoey Mae.
Our labor went pretty well I didn't need any stitches but I did hemorrhage which was really scary I was on the edge of needing a blood transfusion but thankfully didn't. I had several episodes of almost passing out and had to be on oxygen on and off I only got to hold Zoey for about a minute and then they had the hospital neonatal pediatrician come in and pump the amniotic fluid out of her because she swallowed a lot on the way out and was breathing funny because of it. Because of that and her broken collar bone she didn't want to nurse she just slept ALOT!
My mom was all ready almost to the hospital when I called her and I told her we were just taking a break from pushing ( like we did with Preslee) and that she could come in with Preslee for awhile if she wanted. She was shocked to see Matt holding Zoey it was awesome :) We love her to pieces and seeing Preslee meet her for the first time was making my heart feel like it might explode, she just wanted to keep kissing her over and over. We couldn't imagine life without our 2 beautiful little girls.
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